Tony Perkins, Brent Keilen, Chad Connelly, Travis Weber

Tony Perkins
Brent Keilen
Chad Connelly
Travis Weber

July 8, 2024

On today’s program, hosted by Jody Hice:

  • Tony Perkins, President of Family Research Council and RNC Platform Committee Delegate from Louisiana, responds to the Republican Party Platform adopted for 2024, which does not contain a call for federal protections for the unborn included in every GOP platform dating back to the 1980s.
  • Brent Keilen, FRC Action’s Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, shares how the platform process unfolded.
  • Chad Connelly, Founder of Faith Wins, discusses how the Republican Party Platform will influence voter enthusiasm and turnout heading into the November elections.
  • Travis Weber, FRC's Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs, compares the 2024 Republican Party Platform with the 2016 Platform and discusses how Christian voters should respond.

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