Keith Self, Andrew Bailey, Mark Alford, Luis Valdes, Pesach Wolicki

Keith Self
Andrew Bailey
Mark Alford
Luis Valdes
Pesach Wolicki

July 12, 2024

On today’s program:

  • Keith Self, U.S. Representative for the 3rd District of Texas, corrects the record following President Biden’s recent press conference and previews the appropriations bills coming up in the House of Representatives.
  • Andrew Bailey, Missouri Attorney General, highlights his lawsuit against the Department of Health & Human Services for a new rule mandating that healthcare providers perform harmful gender-transition procedures at taxpayer expense.
  • Mark Alford, U.S. Representative from the 4th district of Missouri, shares how Congress should respond to revelations that Fort Liberty military personnel attended a training session that labeled pro-life groups as terrorist organizations.
  • Luis Valdes, National Spokesman and Florida State Director for Gun Owners of America, discusses how the 2024 GOP Platform has politically disarmed advocates for the 2nd Amendment.
  • Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, responds to the 2024 GOP Platform’s limited support for Israel when compared to previous GOP Platforms.

Episode Resources:

  • Click here to sign the petition in support of life and the minority report to the GOP platform.
  • Learn more about the Platform Integrity Project.
  • Download the StandFirm App!
  • Connect with Tony on Facebook and X.